The length and basic shape of the leg is hereditary and cannot be altered ... fat and cellulite are accumulated, and can be prevented or controlled. Most things that go wrong happen after maturity or because of complete neglect in the teenage years. The leg is about one-third of body weight, but the ankle has to bear the entire weight of the body and is one of the strongest hinge joints we have.
The knee-joint is the largest and has to support the largest, heaviest, strongest bone in the body: the thigh. The look of the thigh depends on the upper and lower sections of muscles and flesh which cover the bone.
It is in this area that trouble starts, partly because most of us don't use it enough, and partly because it has a particularly thick layer of adipose tissue, just waiting to be filled out with stored-up fat. Only regular exercise and diet control can prevent, correct and maintain shape.
What's wrong with most legs is simply that they are too fat above the knee. Swollen legs are another matter, for they retain too much fluid. Legs by nature are rather dry - there are not enough active oil glands in the limbs to keep them smooth and gleaming.
It is important to lubricate them with a body lotion or cream after every bath; more often in the summer when they are bare and drier because of exposure to sun and sea. Legs grow hair. Though in some cultures it may be considered erotic to keep it on, from a beauty point of view, it is better off.
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